While fire resisting compartments are created to contain fire and smoke from spreading within building structures, this also presents a parallel threat as most concealed cavities between fire resisting walls and floors are interlinked. The importance of sealing gaps in this type of construction is therefore vital to ensure the compartmentation systems work to their maximum ability to save life and property. Such gaps are typically at service penetrations through walls and floors, but would also include gaps left for structural movement and gaps left due to poor workmanship.

Recognising this, the develpoment of effective solutions to seal gaps at service penetrations has increased over the past few years and STPL has become a world leader in supplying such solutions. Note should be taken that everyservice passing through fire resistant building elements react in different ways to fire, there is no single solutin or product that will protect all services.
Bulkhead Sealer Systems:
Bulkhead Sealer Systems are made from high density rock fibre pannels (nominal 50mm thick) coated with sealer. The system will act as a fire barrier to seal of openings in walls or floors thus preventing the passage of fire. It is the simplest of all fire stopping products to use,and also one of, if not, the most economical product to use. In many building, cables such as computer and telecommunication cables are continuously added, removed or replaced. Sealer System enables this process to be carried out with the minimum of inconvenience. Sealer System has been successfully tested in wall and floor constructions for up to 120 minutes.
Cement is a lightweight fire resistant cement supplied as a dry powder for on site preperation. It is mixed on site with clean water. This fine grade cement powder is white in colour for ease of identification and has quick setting time. When the product is set, it presents a hard surface finish and doesnot shrink regardless of temperature change.
It is readily drilled for post installation of services. When used in a floor applications, Cements can also provide some degree of load bearing capability depending on the thickness of cement layer apply. Please consult technical department to ascertain thickness requirement to meet a loadbearing performance requrement.
Acrylic Sealant:
Acrylic Sealant is a gunable sealant designed for the sealing of joints and services penetrations against the spread of fire, smoke and hot gases for up to 240 minutes. An Acrylic Sealant may be used as acoustic sealant due its density and flexibility.
Acrylic Sealant should be used in conjunction with all penetration sealing systems to provide a secure cold smoke seal. Where the location of a fire is some distance from a penetration seal, there will be insufficient heat to activate an intumescent material. As such, cool smoke can rapidly pass through buidings, creating a toxic, life threatening environment
While the use of a cold smoke seal is not needed for meeting fire resistance performance requirements, it should be considered as a necessity to prevent smoke movement through buildings via penetrations, and is therefore highly recommended.
Pillows are compressive products made of quality cloth envelopes enclosing high temperature, fire resistant granulated matirial.The pillows are used to mantain the fire resistance of walls and floors, where openings for services are located.They are typicallyinstalled around cables and non-combustible pipes which need to be regularly altered.
Pillows are available in Three sizes:
1) Large,250mm x300mm x40mm,
2) Medium, 250mm x200mm x40mm and
3) Small, 250mm x100mm x 30mm.